
Friday, March 25, 2011

A fairyland-a-thon

Fairyland owns me. My goodness. I am building a small army. I just love their aesthetics and their jointing systems are to die for. Anyway, next up on my list for Fairyland dolls is Pukifee Luna. Luna is really far too adorable to resist (I am powerless against cuteness, I'm afraid to say) I've been trying to tell myself that I do not need a Pukifee as I already have a Puki Puki and a Littlefee. Ho hum.. that went well. Of course I need a Pukifee. Everyone needs at least one hehehehe.


Ahem... Uh so yes, I am quite Luna obsessed. I'm hoping I can order her soon, within the next month hopefully :) 

But now, decisions decisions. To faceup or not to faceup? I adore her default face, but I also really like doing my own faceups. Hmmm. Also I need a name, thinking possible Ivy. I need something a bit fairylike for her I think.

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